Variety coverage as we attend Frontieres in Montreal.
Nepal is represented at the Frontières Market for the first time with The Palace...
The Palace is selected for the Frontières Market.
The Palace is selected
for the Locarno Open Doors Consultancy.
Getting released by Samuel Goldwyn FIlms in February 2021
Wins best actor for Steve Zahn and best screenplay for Anna Kerrigan
Presenting THE PALACE at Busan International Film Festival's Asian Project Market
Wins Asian Cinema Fund Grant
Cowboys wins State of Montana Grant.
Participating in Rotterdam Producer's Lab
THE WIZARD screens at Netflix as part of Film Independent’s Global Media Maker Program.
A NOBLE AFFAIR reading at The Athena Festival
Marie Curie, A Noble Affair: Interview with Kathryn Maughan
The Rosenbergs,’ takes biggest services prize from fest’s Gabriel Figueroa Film Fund.
COWBOYS is a finalist for Narrative Grant at San Francisco Film Society.
The Rosenbergs gets Tribeca All Access Grant and is invited to Tribeca 2016
The Rosenbergs: Interview with Producer Anil Baral
The 2016 Athena List: Meet the winners of the female-centric Black List
THE ROSENBERGS (ETHEL) at IFP’s No Borders International Co-Production Market
Gus Van Sant to Exec Produce "The McKennas"
Tribeca Film Institute Announces Sloan Filmmaker Fund Recipients